пятница, 24 октября 2014 г.

Hysterical or ecstatic girl

Now I will tell you story about ecstatic or hysterical girl. "Why or?"- you asked, but you will find the answer just in the end of my story.
Once upon a time  lived a girl. She was stubborn as a donkey and brave as a lion. Her name was Hysteria. All people were scared of here,because in one moment she could hit the roof and in other bottle up her emotions.She liked to walk on the lonely streets,it's make here calm and relaxed.The favourite dish of Hysteria  was cookies,when she saw it here eyebrows raised and heart started pounding like a crazy hours, but don't looking  at all this joyful things she was devastated . Young beautiful girl couldn't open up even a bit for anybody.Just one event could change here life.

As usual, she walked from church,read the ads on poels and saw him.He wears his heart on his sleeve,was so jubilant,ecstatic,calm and cheerful.He smiled to her and said:"Hello". After this morning here life turned upside down. Hysteria forgot about the guarded,she opened up for Euphoric (it was his name).When they were together adrenaline ruched into here blood,butterflies aet here stomach from inside. She never felt this feelings before, so Hysteria decided to tell Euphoric about it.

It was shinny  sunday morning, she was going from church and saw Euphoric, he was standing with Pride and kissing here hands. Hysteria was in tears, she yelled :"WHY?WHY?WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE?" He looked at here and said in his optimistic voice :"You didn't need me anymore,you are happy,but Pride ...I could help here.In this world so many women and I want  help to all of them" 
Euphoric smiled and went away. 
Hysteria was appalled , she suppress here feelings  ...

Body language

Scientists said that gestes,mimies and  body language can say much more about people,than words.All of this could display what people think or what they don't want to show, but sometimes you can misinterpret this body language,so I decided to look out for   students in our academy.
Actions speak louder than words,as you  know,so after my small observe I've noticed that :

  1.  all girls fiddle with their hair when they see a handsome guy
  2.  all guys try to make an eye contact with their object of adoration 
  3. a lot of students have sweaty palms,when they get nervous 
  4. and red face when they become angry 
In any case,it's normal emotions for students.

The sings of body language between people in relationships is more interesting.In some causes you can see that love is blind and money talks  or easier said than done. I think this couples will be unhappy together, for a time one of them will interested in someone else and it will be the dead-end.

Someone was once bitten,twice shy and now start the relationships for him/her very hard.
As matter of fact, we must't live for principal eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,because world is small and everything will come back to you.
You're only young,so joy your life! 

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

"The best way to predict* the future is to invent it" - said Alan Kay. It's my favourite quote and I can't disagree with it.
The whole our life we limped or staggered and complained on fate instead of charged it! People try to find different ways,go to witches to predict their fate.I think it's misinterpreting of your future. If you want to change something just do it! Bear it your mind,it's also important quote.
If you want a perfect body - workout!
At first,you need loosen up,recurrent different exercises,alternate between A and B it on hands and legs,when you won't be stiff  and  in the end sprint . When you reach your goal! 
If you want to attract somebody try to make an eye contact. Don't say not necessarily things,just true!
Be flirty and fancy( it depends on your good fit).Fiddle with your hair.

Vocabulary Sci-Fi

Today we have a lot of opportunities to work abroad. It will be an enormous benefit for you to know even one foreign language.Of course you  need to know your mother tongue but English or other language could help you to conduct business. English can help you come into touch not only with native speakers because it's official language of many countries.
In 20-30 years ago people don't have a lot of opportunities in learning languages.Many of them used a big dictionaries and it was a real challenge. For times people adapting,accessing the Internet is free for everyone.And languages started to expanding 
In our age of technology we have a lot of methods how to learn English fast.Surfing in the Internet you can find people,whose first language is English,chat with them.Just talk non-stop it will help you in learning.If you a student like me,stop weeping,I have some interesting websites which help you in studding!) 
For example, this site will help you find different words and there families.http://graphwords.com/
Here you can find words like noun,adjective,verb.If you click on related words you will find their meaning.It's very interesting! 
 http://www.just-the-word.com onthis site you canfind a lot of meaning of word this nouns,also you can do funny clouds of them.It's a petty but I can't to get in contact with it site(
http://fraze.it/ this site will show your word in different frazes. It's very useful,especially if you doing your english homework=) 
http://quizlet.com/13494618/multilingual-internet-flash-cards/ and this is my favoirite website! Here you can stay a native speaker of English it was a figural speaking. This site will help you to kill your regional accent)))) Here you can listen right pronunciation of words,create different tests,play in games connected with English( race for example). 
I think my advices will help you in learning English!!!))))